Tuesday 22 April 2014

Outcomes of The Crimean War

Outcomes of The Crimean War
A total of 5 countries were involved in the war: Britain, France, Russia, Turkey and the Kingdom of Sardinia. The war was between Russia and the Ottoman Empire (backed by Britain, France and Sardinia). The Allies won the war and France greatly benefited from this as it now replaced Russia as the dominant power and stopped Russia gaining more territory. Russia lost the war and with it their status and with it 220,000 troops, they had also failed to gain more control of the world. 

The war left the British realizing how under trained and poorly managed their armies were which led the the Cardwell reforms in the 1860's, these reforms made the army more organized and better equipped than they had been previously. It also left Britain with new heros such as the nurses that served in the barracks and in turn set in motion female rights. The impact on British politics was quite large because after the war commissions came under fire and were eventually abolished.

The only people that truly gained from this war were the French since they were now the dominant military power and had made money selling arms to the Ottomans, however you could say that Britain did gain the knowledge of how their country needed change which then led to a more effective country and army. The Ottomans gained weapons and the safety of their land as well as allies in Britain and France. All countries lost something but the major loser was Russia because they started a war hoping to gain and lost men, money and power all in one swoop, their loses were greater than all other countries and their government was now very unstable.

In Britain much changed socially because now war correspondents were being used and more of the public were reading the news papers day to day, people were for the first time interested in foreign affairs. Medically  a huge amount changed except we gained knowledge of how useful nurses were in barracks and after health care for soldiers was improved to keep them fit. On the military side of change we have the Cardwell reforms which changed almost every aspect of the army all the way from leaders to basic training.

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