Tuesday 22 April 2014

Key Individuals of The Boer War

Key Individual of The Boer War

Lord Kitchener 

Kitchener was a British military leader who gained his fame for campaigns and a central role in WW1. He often planned and organized huge battles in WW1 and is on one of the most famous war recruitment posters of all time (seen above)


Joseph Chamberlain was a British politician that gained renown fast as he had no qualifications and had also had lots of pressure on him when concentration camps were discovered in the next Boer War. He became colonial secretary under Salisburys government in 1895.

Lloyd George

Lloyd George was a British politician during World War 1 and again straight after it. He was not PM during the Boer War but did oppose Chamberlain and was known for his radical opposition towards him. However he was not against colonization or the Empire.

Alfred Milner
Milner was the high commissioner of South Africa and later a member of the cabinet. He was a large supporter of imperialism. He directly stopped British policy to do with the Boers changing due to lack of trust with the Boers which led to the war. After the war he lost respect for having a large input in its causes.

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