Tuesday 22 April 2014

Causes of The Boer War

Causes of The Boer War
The first Boer War was between Britain and the South African Republic and was caused by the British trying to expand, problems with the Transvaal government, the opposition of British rule in the Transvaal. Britain had hoped to gain a larger Empire and create a confederation of colonies, Boer republics and South African groups. The Brits did not risk much by trying to achieve this besides soldiers lives and money but the gain if the plan was successful out weighed these risks. 

This war happened because the British Empire got greedy and felt like they wanted to be the most powerful in the world as they once were which tells people that they were selfish and only wanted to rule over rather than rule for people. The events that triggered it were the annexation of the Transvaal government and when the Pedi attacked the Boer the British did not assist them as they should have.

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